Glam Rock Cinderella
A Fashion Fairytale
A little bit of everything- all together and they lived
I'm a sucker for a happy ending- I mean really who doesn't want to root for everyone to win, for it all to work out. Let the protagonist have the girl, or let underdog get their revenge, and then the whole family drove off into the sunset- we're only human, these hopeful endings feel good to the soul. Usually driven by a little chaos, but can often be just enough crazy to make things interesting and shake out the loose ends just enough to seal the deal. A little bit of everything can often be a mess, yet sometimes it all works out like this outfit did and so it lived happily ever after.
While, sometimes the perfect tale of adventure has some setbacks or swerves in course. Welcome to my week, I've been a bad, bad blogger this week! It has been a week since my last post and I want to try to not let that much time pass again. I would like to make myself adhere to a rule that I post a minimum of every 3 days. Although, this being my first few months as a blogger "for reals"- it's been tough. Living a life of passion, worth and fun while working 2 jobs, getting a business degree, creating beautiful things and having time to write and capture it all here- it ain't easy! Ain't nobody got time for that! But I am certainly nobody, nor anybody else. Just me. The girl who is going to live awesomely and find the time to write about it. What's sleep?