i can't afford my lifestyle

Food & Fashion | Italian Date Night @ LA VOLPE

Nothing like a rich Italian dinner, a fine glass of red wine 
& a beautiful man.

A spontaneous, weeknight, date-night, indulging on tiramisu, and enjoying all the little things
So, in the coming summer nights marks my official five year anniversary spent with the best person I know. Though, Aaron and I are actually entering our 6th summer together -six years of long summer days and warm summer nights and all that crazy, ridiculous love.  The kind that doesn't get celebrated only on an anniversary, but all year round.  

Its the little things.  These are the things that matter when nothing else does.  The moments spent together singing songs in the car at the top of our lungs, the intimate dinners under candlelight, laughter over a bottle of wine or two, and in the pure effort in itself to make time for eachother. In all of this time we always make sure we do something fun with one another.  Its important that we help each other live beautifully, rather than just merely survive with one another.  

| things to remember when in a long-term relationship:
1) If there is no effort, its not working. If you don't care how you look to other person or don't put effort into the bond you have - what's the point?

2) A Significant Other is not a bellboy for your emotional baggage, nor a doormat for your bad days.  They are your support systems, but they need to be treated well -or they won't last.   

3) Yes thats right, your lovely better halves are all suppose to infuriate you unlike no other.  But they also make you blissfully happy, unlike no other.  I love you babe, and your hair is beautiful. ;) 
4) Remember that just because you have history, doesn't mean its forever.  You need to feel like this person genuinely completes your life and the their whole being compliments your soul and together you better each other's lives and as humans. It sounds rather cliche and grand at the time, but thats what it comes down to. 

| SHOP this LOOK

| Table for two, please.
& a bottle of Montepulciano. 

I went to La Volpe on a reccomendation from a girlfriend.  I adore Italian food, but am sometimes weary of trying out a new spot when it is is attached to a pizza place.  Though, I was floored. It felt very homey -in Tuscan, Italian Great Aunt's house sort of way. The food was awesome, the service was perfect and I would actually highly recommend this place for a perfect little date night dinner.  Literally each item we had was great!  

We enjoyed:

| the imported buffalo milk mozzarella, vine ripened tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil 
and a fig purée

| the fresh pasta ravioli stuffed with porcini mushrooms and white truffle sautéed 
with pancetta, brandy and mascarpone cheese.

| the sautéed veal scaloppine, prosciutto di parma, fresh sage, pinot grigio, 
and sauteed spinach with rigatoni 

| We shared two tiramisus: the toasted almond and the classic 
- with complimentary cappuccinos with a cordial of sambuca. 

OOTD | Tuesday Night -Date Night.

| i'm wearing :

| PRADA sunglasses | MOSSIMO dress | TARGET giraffe tights | 
| MICHAEL KORS studded belt | BAUBLE BAR silver spiked necklace |
| CANDIES studded boots | CHANEL inspired bag |


  1. The foods look yummy :) and i love your outfit

    overload journals

  2. What a fun dress! I love how it fits and your accessories compliment it perfectly! Great necklace and YUM that food looks delicious. Happy Friday!

  3. I am loving your black and blue dress!


  4. such a cute couple!

    xx, rebecca

  5. Very yummy pictures!
    You look great!

  6. Love ur outfit..n the food looks amazing :)

  7. Look at you two! How adorable.I wish you both a boatload of happiness. By the way, did you dress your man? He looks impeccably dressed.

    1. Thanks so much lady! I've picked out most of his wardrobe pieces. I will admit to teaching him how to put things together, but now he can pull it all together himself. Boyfriends can be taught! haha

  8. Hi Cassandra,

    This is such a beautiful post and thank you so much for what you wrote on my blog. I'm so incredibly touched. You clearly have such a good heart and authentic voice yourself. I love everything you said to keep in mind about a longterm relationship. Many of those things I have had and lost in the past because it was no longer working. It's incredible that you can identify what does work for you and help each other to live beautifully as you said.

    Meag xx

    1. Thanks so much Meag, you always leave the most thoughtful comments! I'm always excited to read what you have written to me. I'm so glad that my words could also touch you.

  9. Hi Cassandra! Amber, from Eats and Exercise by Amber stopping by! I used to LOVE this place prior to my Celiac Diagnosis! Have you ever tried Villa Tuscany in Hampton Bays? Or Mama Lisa's? Both were favorites of mine!

    Anyway, your outfit is so awesome! Love combat boots!

    And, your long term advice is spot on, especially "Yes thats right, your lovely better halves are all suppose to infuriate you unlike no other. But they also make you blissfully happy, unlike no other. "

    1. Hey girl! I'm so glad you stopped by! Its been so long since I went to Villa Tuscany, but I always remembered it as being really good!

      I'm so glad you loved my advice, it all comes from the heart. So when someone reads it and enjoys it - well, it makes my day.

  10. So sweet! Thanks so much lady!


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